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Cropwell Bishop Primary School

Cropwell Bishop Primary School

Leadership and Co-ordinators

Mrs Cook

Executive Head Teacher

Safeguarding & Child Protection/Global Awareness/Health & Safety/Equality/PTA/Parents Forum/Community/Policy

Mr Lee

Head of School

Curriculum Co-ordinator/Anti-bullying & Behaviour/School Council/Pupil Premium

Mrs Marsden

Deputy Head of School

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo)


Mrs Beavis Mental Health Lead/HLTA/ELSA/French/TA CPD
Mrs Bird PE/Healthy Schools
Mrs Bradley Science and Computing/ICT
Mrs Bulmer KS1 Lead/Phonics/ECT Co-ordinator/Student Mentor
Miss Palmer RE/PSHE/SRE
Mrs Simpson English/History
Mrs Sills Geography/Design Technology/ECO
Mrs Thorpe Educational Visits Co-ordinator
Miss Woodward KS2 Lead/Maths/Music